Your Latest Buzzwords are Process C & Process S. The two processes that regulate the timing and length of sleep.
Where do Process C and Process S come from? Process C refers to our internal clock—our body’s natural sleep and wake times. This clock regulates and controls the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle via the influence of light and melatonin. In the absence of light (as during the evening hours), melatonin is produced which promotes sleep. However, in the presence of light, the production of melatonin ceases, signaling our brain that it is daytime, and we need to wake up.
Process S promotes sleep based on the previous amount of time spent awake. During wakefulness, our brain accumulates substances that promote sleep. We need to sleep to clear these substances and feel alert again. The best sleep is when we synchronize our sleep/wake times to our internal clock (Process C) and our need for sleep (Process S), finding the perfect equilibrium.