Sleep in the Spotlight

March offers global opportunities to celebrate sleep.

With the realization that sleep improves almost every facet of life, you may want to share this important message with family and friends. How can you? The best way is by joining in an awareness event already taking place. This March, many opportunities are available for the general public to join in and spread the message that sleep is one of the pillars of health and should be a top priority.

FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

Created and hosted by World Sleep Society, World Sleep Day was designed to raise awareness of sleep as a human privilege that is often compromised by the habits of modern life. World Sleep Day is an annual event, intended to be a celebration of sleep and a call to action on important issues related to sleep, including medicine, education, social aspects and driving. It is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee and aims to lessen the burden of sleep problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders. In its 14th year, 88 countries have participated in the awareness day by hosting events and educational activities around the globe. #WorldSleepDay has been a top trend on Twitter for several years running. Send out your messages on March 19, 2021.

MARCH 14-20, 2021

The National Sleep Foundation holds its annual Sleep Awareness Week on March 14-20, 2021. The annual event celebrates sleep health and encourages the public to prioritize sleep to improve their overall health and well-being.

MARCH 15, 2021

This unofficial day has a strong presence online and in the media. This unofficial holiday tends to occur the Monday after Daylight Savings Time begins prepare for the adjustment of a new sleep schedule with a nap.

MARCH 20, 2021

A global narcolepsy awareness day exists to spread the word about narcolepsy awareness projects and how you can help. In conjunction with World Sleep Day, Day4NAPs dedicated the following day to raise specific awareness about narcolepsy, a day for narcolepsy awareness projects, a Day4NAPs.

Select one—or several—of these awareness days to share important messages on social media, host an event or participate/host an online activity. These dates will shift in 2022, as well as the ability to again host in-person events to celebrate the importance of sleep.


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