Dental Sleep Health
Three Questions for Dentists on Three Continents
Reba Matthews – Africa (Botswana) How do you work with sleep doctors? As far as I know, currently, there are no sleep doctors in Botswana.
Sleeping with Orofacial Pain
Orofacial pain (OFP) refers to pain in the face, head, and neck. This includes problems with teeth, skin, muscles, bones, joints, blood vessels, nerves, and
Bruxism Facts and Fables
There are many misconceptions about bruxism. Everyone has bruxism to some extent, so it is important to get the facts. Perhaps you have been told
What Should I Ask My Dentist About Sleep?
Recently the American, Canadian, and Australian Dental Associations recommended that dentists routinely screen for sleep disorders, particularly sleep apnea. When your dentist screens for sleep
Beyond CPAP
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the first line of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) but some people have difficulty tolerating it. CPAP can
Recognizing and Treating Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children
All parents know that a good night’s sleep is crucial for our children’s health and development. Yet we may overlook seemingly harmless sleep disturbances, unaware
I grind my teeth during sleep. Why do I do this? How can I prevent it? What is Sleep Bruxism? Many people grind their teeth
Sleep in the Dental Chair
Stacey Quo, DDS, MS has made it her passion to help patients who might never know they have a sleep disorder, find rest. Sometimes you